Monday, December 3, 2007

Steps torwards a Transgender-Inclusive Small-Business certification and Rating.

I recently stopped by the local Pride center, looking for information about what the local small business stance towards transgendered persons was in my local area. I  presumed that due to the existance of the Mountain Pride Connection (a Colorado business directory for LGBTQ businesses) as well as the local Human Rights Campaign, and Of course the Pride offices,  
that some sort of formal recognition and/or informal business listing of LGBTQ friendly businesses would be present and avaliable. -After all, I live in Boulder Colorado, which is known as being one of the more progressive cities in America -especially on LGBTQ issues. Much to my suprise, such a listing or rating did not exist, and there was very little information avalible on the actual hiring and business policies of local businesses. This came as somewhat of a shock,  because while the HRC keeps tabs on big businesses, there seems to be nothing currently in place for local and small businesses, nor any means for local LGBTQ groups to apply and certify such a rating in their local communities.
This strikes me as a hole unfilled. And has led me to the question of "why not?".
Which is the reason for this letter.
I will be getting in touch with the local HRC as well as the legal Dept. in my local Regional Pride Hedquarters. I will also see if I can get a hold of Donna Rose and Jamison Green, now that they are starting an organization for Transgender Education, and will see if we can't come up with some means (like a PDF downloadable kit) for local groups to interview, asess, rate, and give certification to local businesses. As well as improvement steps needed for a higher rating.
This would be something similar to the HRC's current practice with fortune 500 companies, but smaler, on a more local and grassroots level. Some sort of acredidation would also likely be needed for the local organization(s) to be able to offer such a rating as well as possibly a training course or manual with test.
I would immagine this rating system would likely be offered by the new Transgender Education Partnership, in conjution with another organization, such as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, to offer a rating for those of the rest of the LLGBTQ community as well, not just Trans.
If anybody has any thoughts, questions,comments or ideas, feel free to email me with the header "Trans/LGBTQ small and local business rating" as the subject.