So, with all the information out there on the problems and challenges facing trans. peole, I thought I would incluse some more information on why this (being transgendered) rocks!
First off,
Communication is better.
Being open with others tends to make them open with you.
But this goes so much better as that only touches the tip of the iceberg:
Women: it is so much easier to talk to women for me now! We have so much in commonthat was not obvious before. We can talk about shopping, our favorite stores, brands and types of makup used, hair products, clothes, style, fashion, and any other thing that gets led to by these subjects.
This leads to great, fun conversations that would not have taken place if I had not come out.
For men: they understand me better, and why I have a more sensitive personality, they also tend not to make uncomfortable masculinity jokes around me and tend to be more sensitive and aware of my femininity. They also tend to focus conversational topics on things we actually have in common and like, like sports, girls(in my case), job joys and woes, food, and creative recipies (shared also with the women), common local jokes, etc. And the men just tend to be more sensitive arround me overall.
I think this was and is a vast improvement over the before-standing situation which was very uncomfortable for me.
Which is another thing: I tend to feel comfortable arround people rather than just nervous and afraid.
This is really great,